Breen Eco Surveys is an ecological consultancy based in the Antrim Glens. We offer a range of services designed to support you at every stage of the planning process. From initial site assessments and ecological surveys to impact assessments and mitigation works under licence, we aim to provide practical solutions that meet both regulatory requirements and ecological best practices.

Andrew Dick MSc MIEnvSc (Owner/Director)
Andrew has over 15yrs experience working in the environmental sector with protected species and habitat issues in a range of development, research and landscape partnership scenarios with a particular interest in survey techniques, development mitigation and wildlife recovery/re-wilding.
Past experience includes working within the planning department of Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA) Development Management Team where he was employed as an development advisor specialising in bats. Whilst in this role he was responsible for assessing the ecological impacts of all types of projects at each stage of the planning process, reviewing reports (EcIA, PEA, HRA, protected/invasive species, scoping) liaising between developers and the NIEA to ensure best practice in developments across the province. In this position he regularly reviewed and updated NIEA survey guidelines in keeping with the most up to date methodologies. Previous to this he regularly represented NIEA in regional and Crown Court regarding water quality issues.
Andrew holds a Post-graduate Diploma with distinction in Environmental Management (2012) from the University of Ulster. He received an Environmental Management MSc (Eman) with distinction in 2014 from University of Ulster for his research into the fine-scale habitat associations of Irish bats. He is a Lantra trained and NPTC certified CS38 (Tree Climbing and Aerial Rescue) tree climber. He is a full member of the Institute of Environmental Sciences.